Yes, I am bored. It's horrible, really, being bored. I tried watching t.v but the only thing good that is on is NCIS. I love that show, but I can't stand watching it for hours at a time. I've even began staring up at my ceiling. Sad, I know. I really have nothing to do.
Usually in times like these I would rant, but I'm still exhausted from my Twilight rant yesterday. Anyway, I tried drawing a penguin in my notebook, and lets just say that it's a very unique penguin. It looks more like a fish, but hey I never said I was an artist. I wish I was, I can only draw stick figures, my most famous on being Billy. You know I think I might have a picture of Billy. Wait let me see if I can find it.

Usually in times like these I would rant, but I'm still exhausted from my Twilight rant yesterday. Anyway, I tried drawing a penguin in my notebook, and lets just say that it's a very unique penguin. It looks more like a fish, but hey I never said I was an artist. I wish I was, I can only draw stick figures, my most famous on being Billy. You know I think I might have a picture of Billy. Wait let me see if I can find it.
Here he is, in all his stick figure glory. I believe I started drawing Billy around the end of 7th, maybe the beginning of 8th grade, and I've been drawing him since. I even used to write little stories about the life of Billy. It was awesome. I also used to draw something I refered to as Mr. Bear.

Ah, here's Mr. Bear. He's kind of disturbing looking, but he's the best bear ever. Wow this is starting to be really weird. Anywho I have to go out shopping. So enjoy my lovely artwork.
Song of the Day: Hunter - 30 Seconds To Mars
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