Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i was sitting around in my room when i realized something.. every year i'm always excited about summer and getting a break from school... but every year i'm always complaining about my summer because it's so boring.

maybe other people might have fun summers, they might travel or visit people or whatever, but for me, no, i have horrible boring summers that make me actually wish it was school time so i would actually have something to do.

another reason that i hate summer is because it's so freaking hot outside. and it's not that pleasant warmth feeling, no, it's the, it's so hot i can't even breathe feeling. and that is no fun.

does anyone else have these experiences, or is it just me?

seriously though, every summer i'm miserable... i think it's because i need to travel more. i need to get out and experience the world....

well that's all... i really need to wrap this up because i'm about to watch a movie.. yay?!?!?!

Song of the Day: The (After) Life of the Party - Fall Out Boy


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