If I were to ever regret something in my life, it would be wasting my time taking final exams. They are stupid and pointless. I hate taking them because I get super flustered.
It's horrible, I have the worst test taking anxiety too, which makes it worse. It's like right before the test I start getting a headache to the point where I can't concentrate. Then I just totally blank out.
I'll forget the simplest things, and then I'll feel like such an idiot. Sometimes it gets to the point where I'll end up on the verge of tears. Oh, and usually my heart will start racing in the most horrible way ever.
Also as soon as I get done with a test I need to immediately have to have the test taken from me. Otherwise I'll sit there and just second guess myself and then change all my answers even if I know deep down they're the right answers. That's how I fail.
I've been having pretty bad anxiety attacks. I just don't want to fail, I just have this huge fear that I won't get accepted into college and i'll end up with no home or job and have to beg for food or something.
or i'll wind up living in my car (which I don't know how i'll get) and have to eat dog food or something. i mean i have nightmares about this kind of stuff. Can you imagine me in a car eating dog chow or something.

Yum.. here's a visual of the kibbles and bits I imagine myself eating in my nightmares. Geez I am such a weirdo. Who dreams about these things? To make matters worse I'm just a freshman so my nightmares are probably gonna get a lot worse. yay
It's horrible, I have the worst test taking anxiety too, which makes it worse. It's like right before the test I start getting a headache to the point where I can't concentrate. Then I just totally blank out.
I'll forget the simplest things, and then I'll feel like such an idiot. Sometimes it gets to the point where I'll end up on the verge of tears. Oh, and usually my heart will start racing in the most horrible way ever.
Also as soon as I get done with a test I need to immediately have to have the test taken from me. Otherwise I'll sit there and just second guess myself and then change all my answers even if I know deep down they're the right answers. That's how I fail.
I've been having pretty bad anxiety attacks. I just don't want to fail, I just have this huge fear that I won't get accepted into college and i'll end up with no home or job and have to beg for food or something.
or i'll wind up living in my car (which I don't know how i'll get) and have to eat dog food or something. i mean i have nightmares about this kind of stuff. Can you imagine me in a car eating dog chow or something.

Yum.. here's a visual of the kibbles and bits I imagine myself eating in my nightmares. Geez I am such a weirdo. Who dreams about these things? To make matters worse I'm just a freshman so my nightmares are probably gonna get a lot worse. yay
Song Of The Day: Heartless - Kanye West
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