Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So today I had a snow day, so I didn't have to go to school. I was so excited, you wouldn't even believe. I seriously never thought that my school would issue a snow day because for some reason it seems like my school has been super strict about these things. It's weird.

Tomorrow is going to be horrible though. I'm going to have to take my science,health,and geometry final all on the same day. Each test is also over 100 questions long. That's over 300 questions in one day. My brain can't handle that. No, I'll admit, my brain completely shuts down after the first 75 questions. Which means I can barely make it through one test, yet they want me to take three.

This is so not going to be good. I've finally updated my myspace (yeah you should click the link and add me), and got a new layout and song.

I'm trying to think if I have anything interesting worth talking about. Hmm.. doesn't the Senate or something vote on Obama's stimulus package today or something like that? Not that anyone cares but they should.

Oh well I'm such a nerd. So yeah, I was on youtube and I was watching a meekakitty video (click on the link and you will be directed to her channel) and she got me addicted to this song.

It's Tell Me by the Wonder Girls and it's a Korean song so I have no clue what they're saying except for when they say tell me. It has a pretty catchy beat, so it's been stuck in my head and I'd just thought I'd share.

Song of the Day: Tell Me - Wonder Girls


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