Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i was sitting around in my room when i realized something.. every year i'm always excited about summer and getting a break from school... but every year i'm always complaining about my summer because it's so boring.

maybe other people might have fun summers, they might travel or visit people or whatever, but for me, no, i have horrible boring summers that make me actually wish it was school time so i would actually have something to do.

another reason that i hate summer is because it's so freaking hot outside. and it's not that pleasant warmth feeling, no, it's the, it's so hot i can't even breathe feeling. and that is no fun.

does anyone else have these experiences, or is it just me?

seriously though, every summer i'm miserable... i think it's because i need to travel more. i need to get out and experience the world....

well that's all... i really need to wrap this up because i'm about to watch a movie.. yay?!?!?!

Song of the Day: The (After) Life of the Party - Fall Out Boy

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


*SPOILER ALERT* if you haven't seen the movie

Today, I went and saw Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince with my mom, and I decided to share my thoughts on the movie.
Let me start with what I liked. The humor in this movie is incredible. Ron (Rupert Grint) is such great comic relief. The quidditch scenes is an excellent example of this. Also any Ron and Lavender, (Jessie Cave), is hilarious.
Harry (Dan Radcliffe), has some really good lines, especially after he takes the Felix Flelicis. My personal favorite was the spider pincers line, but that's just me.
All together the movie just had a really good combination of romance, comedy, and drama.

Also the dude who played Cormac Mclaggen (I'm too lazy to look it up) was freakin' hot. He was very nice to look at.

The Ginny/Harry scenes were kind of awkward since Ginny is kind of taller than Harry (and a little more manly too, if I might add) but they were still really cute.

There was also really good acting too, Alan Rickman did a really good job. Tom Felton did a really good job (but I'm a little biased here so whatever). Jim Broadbent (Horace Slughorn) did a really good job. Also the people who played the younger Tom Riddles (aka Voldemort) did a fantastic job, wait let me find their names. Hero Fiennes -Tiffin and Frank Dillane (younger Tom Riddle). They seriously creeped me out, but in a good way. Emma Watson was actually pretty good, not nearly as much eyebrow movement as in previous films.
The Cave scene was also way better than i expected. The Inferi freaked me the hell out, but once again in a good way, (if that makes any sense) I also liked the Burrow attack scene which surprised me because I didn't think I would.
Now for what I didn't like... I was really hoping for a Dumbledore/Dursley confrontation but no... there wasn't one... instead we get some crappy restaurant and some stupid waitress and a subway, (but I could live with this, it wasn't that big of a deal)
also i was kind of disappointed that we didn't get DADA action. i mean snape's been waiting for this postition forever and we don't even get a glimpse of it. how unfair.
i also didn't like how remus lupin was portrayed, i mean he was all snappy and stuff, and yeah maybe it was close to the full moon but that's no excuse to such a douche bag. also they could of at least explained remus/tonks a little. all we got was her calling him sweetheart.
That was pretty much it for my complaints, I mean I would've at the end liked a little bit more snape/harry confrontation but it was still good. this movie is really one of the best in the series so far, it was also a huge change from ootp.
Oh and I can't believe I almost forgot to mention luna lovegood (evanna lynch), her performance was great. she's one of the best characters of all time.
and also bellatrix lestrange (helena bohnam carter) was great, she was a little weird though, hanging off of everybody. but whatever she's one of my favorite characters no matter how many people she killed.
well there's my review... i give it an A or an 8 1/2 out of 10.
Song of the Day: Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Yes... I got the new All Time Low cd, Nothing Personal, and I am in love with it. All the songs are really catchy and fun. It's great.

I don't really have much to talk about... but I'm so excited about HBP on Wednesday. I've been waiting for this movie for months so it better be good. No one else in my family is even remotely excited so that kind of sucks, but whatever it's all good.
I have to do a summer reading project and I have no idea, what book to do, it's kind of depressing. The most depressing part is doing a 2 minute speech thing. Last time I did something like that, it did not go over well. I mean everyone thought it was hilarious, but I still failed. Which was not good or funny.
Today I went shopping and I got a penguin hoodie bag/purse thing. It's freakin' epic.
It's really awesome. I'm in love with penguins and this bag was like a dream come true. Seriously I'm in love with it, and that might sound pathetic, but really it's not. I was going to get this giant stuffed penguin but I decided against it because it cost a lot of money for only a stuffed penguin.
Song Of The Day: Weightless - All Time Low